Monday, February 2, 2009

Stretched in West Texas: A Paycheck Away from Hunger

As the recession grips West Texas, experts  estimate that the average Lubbock family is just one paycheck away from financial disaster.

That situation is forcing many nonprofits to remain in overdrive. 

Demand for the South Plains Food Bank's Kids Cafe has increased 36 percent in the last year. "If you are hungry it's hard to concentrate," explained Parkway Elementary Principal Eddie Fitzgerald. "If you are hungry, you spend time trying to think about how you are going to have your next meal. So the programs that we have are very beneficial."

Nearby in San Angelo, academics at Angelo State University report a long-term decrease in that community's quality of life indicators. 

"Stretched!" Write the report's authors. "The word not only describes the threat of current conditions on households, it also describes the established trend of multiple pressures affecting the quality of life for local households. San Angelo needs to reverse this trend if it is to develop socially and economically."

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